Sunday, October 23, 2011

Champagne Mannequins

Do you ever wonder why our mannequins inside 2die4 Fashion's boutique are a sparkly champagne color?

When we decided to take the plunge and open a women's clothing boutique I researched the greatest designers that inspire me the most and I kept coming back to these champagne mannequins from the Cruise Collection 2009 in the Louis Vuitton boutiques. I have a weakness for Italian designers because they fit my more bohemian personality and my Jessica rabbit body. But you know, it's usually the clothes that you can't wear that have the strongest interest. My admiration of Marc Jacobs is beyond the sunglasses and the perfection of handbags that he creates year after year. It goes past marc by marc, past his signature line Marc Jacobs, past Louis Vuitton handbags, and goes straight to the Louis Vuitton clothing line. If you ever  go to the Louis Vuitton boutique in Manhattan, go past the shoes, the handbags, and all of the sparkly accessories downstairs and head straight to the women's clothing. Well, maybe stop and take alook at the shoes, it will change your life! The first Louis Vuitton item that I touched was a burnt orange velvet jacket from their Spring 2004 collection. The quality was beyond anything that I had seen, it was perfection! No other words, just perfection! The fabric was the perfect weight, slinky and had the perfect hand stitched detailing that can only be truly appreciated up close.

From then on I studied Louis Vuitton season after season so it seemed to be a natural reaction to study their mannequins when I opened my boutique. I started looking around for mannequins and at the time silver mannequins were just hitting the mainstream market. I wanted something different so I either had to custom order mannequins or figure out how to come up with this fantastic color on my own. I wanted mannequins that were all shapes and sizes because we are not all the same shape even though we try very hard. I'm never scared of a creative project so I took on the challenge to make Louis Vuitton style champagne mannequins. I took all of my flesh toned mannequins and started spraying with different metallic sprays until I came across Krylon's Champagne Nouveau Brushed Metallic spray paint. It was the dead of winter and I was outside in 40 degree and below weather with all of my mannequins in an assembly line in my back yard. After 3 coats of color and 3 coats of gloss we have the most perfect ready to party mannequins fit for Madison Avenue! 

Next Time Your in the boutique look closer at the mannequins, they are 2die4!

Photos curtesy of and

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